Bacterial cancer is one of the most common problems in the cultivation of Actinidia. Bacterial cancer is caused by Pseudomonas syringae, was first detected in Japan in 1989, and spread to Italy later on in 1992 touching mostly Actinidia Chinensis. The development of this bacteria is clearly...

Gruber Genetti Nursery is located in Roverchiara (Verona). 200ha where top quality apple plants are growing before being sold to the best orchards around Europe. Every year 2 millions plants are raised in this nursery. Besides the nursery activity, Gruber Genetti also grows apple orchards in...

This cherry cover installation is located in the Styrian hills in Austria. Plantations in this area are normally small, so the attention to each particular feature is extremely important. Poles of relatively small dimensions are installed unlike other orchards in Europe which are exposed to...

This is a completely new covering system developed by Fruit Security. It is available in different versions according to the area in which the orchard is located. The elastic cable + clip system is able to carry up to 40 kg/m² snow. This system has...

This blueberry plantation is located near Gleisdorf, Austria. Protection of small fruits is extremely important in this area, this installation is suitable for anti-rain, anti-insect and also for temperature control....